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I'm a 30-something student affairs professional, technology enthusiast, and all-around geek.

Suzumiya Haruhi No Shoushitsu - 2010 - Trailer

1 min read

Just released on DVD in Japan TODAY! I want it...


1 min read

This is too long for a prologue. However, the above really is just a prologue, nothing else. The real action comes from this point onwards, starting the next day. It might have started tonight, but it doesn't really matter.
The next day was December 18, when even the mountain breezes were frozen. That day, I was thrown into the abyss of fear.
Let me say this in advance: it was no laughing matter.


The Annotated Haruhi

2 min read


So, I know several websites have trivia, spoilers, or explanations of different things mentioned within the Melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi and its related shows, but I wonder if anyone has ever sat down and written or filmed an annotated track to go along with the Haruhi books or episodes. There's just so much there!

Sure, the first time I saw the show, I knew nothing specific about the characters, world, or context, except everyone's mistaken first impression about Haruhi.  However, the second time I saw the show, it would have been nice to have right there sort of a "Pop-Up Video" kind of commentary that goes along with the show. Most of what I've learned about the comments, jokes, homages, and references contained within the series have come from this or that website or forum - all around the place. I'm the kind of person who would rather have it right there. Like all the notes in a copy of The Annotated Lolita. Just so much more convenient.

Also, as I read the books, I kept thinking back to the episodes. There are so many little details that are different between the books and the movies, and the books give me a completely different appreciation for what might really be going on.  Kyon's suspicious narration, minute changes that make the red herring theory more plausible... I think it's good for people who watch the anime to learn a little bit more about the light novels, since the light novels are the real canon.

I wonder if I would ever get around to it. Grad school's got me tied up and busy. Maybe I'll get around to it someday... or maybe someone will read this and beat me to it. いいアイデアでしょ?Ah well. as long as it gets made. I think it'd be useful.


Suzumiya Haruhi No Gekidou - Kuuzen Miman Wa Misenaide - FULL DANCE VERSION

1 min read

When I have $400 to spare, I'm so buying this game.

It's only that expensive because I would have to buy a Japanese Wii in order to play it :(

This is how Haruhi stays in such great shape :)
