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well, it didn't like the bookmark, let's try a status update

Web Hooks / FrontPage

Let's try a webhook, yarrrr

Stop being fussy, Known 😞

Stop being fussy, Known 😞

No snacks until you behave

2022-07-11: Celebrating a busy and productive weekend

1 min read

I created a  hole at gopher://

I'll be crossposting my posts here going forward.

This post originally hit the smolweb on 11 July 22 at gopher://

I've been posting about one post a day from my gopher log, but now that I'm getting close to caught up, I think I'm going to make an intentional decision to stay about a week behind on my gopher posts. This is a manual process, however, so don't be suprised if I start falling behind. Check out the actual gopher phlog if you want everything up-to-date!

.... well, as it turns out, Known doesn't seem to want to post this for some reason. (Too long? Too long for a preformatted block? Some other reason?) So you can read it here instead:

Well, I've managed to purge spam comments through at least May 2017... including one post with 126 spam comments. I'm tired for now though, time to call it a day

2022-07-07: Not sleeping

I've always had a hard time dealing with the long days and hot weather of summer, but this year it seems particularly bad.

3 min read

I created a  hole at gopher://

I'll be crossposting my posts here going forward.

This post originally hit the smolweb on 07 July 22 at gopher://

Checking up on the phlogs today, I read nm03's update about "Summer Fatigue"
or "natsubate" [1], and while I wasn't previously familiar with the Japanese
term, I am definitely feeling that summer fatigue this year.

I've heard people talk about "Seasonal Affective Disorder" as primarily occurring during the winter, but I've always had a harder time dealing with the summer heat and long days than the cold and dark of winter. The past several weeks I have gotten significantly less sleep than I'd like - some nights as little as 4 hours or so - and it's having a significant affect on my overall mood. I feel myself being crankier, less cooperative, and confrontational at times. I should try cranking up the A/C more, but I hate the noise and the over-use of electricity, pollution, etc. I read today an article about the idea of "supercooling" your home in the evening to "chill your home right down to the 'bones' of the building" [2] but I'm not sure that exactly works in an apartment where the frame, walls, etc are connected directly from my apartment to the ones above and below me. I also am not on the variable rate by hour plan with my power company - and their bill calculator says I would have paid over $200 more based on my last 12 months on a variable rate plan. Still, I might try decreasing the night temperature because, if nothing else, I might sleep better. I also need to get back into the habit of making some nice mugicha - I stopped that when we had our last run of cooler temperatures. It really helps me cool off quickly, although I'm not sure if that's anything intrinsic to the mugicha or just a natural effect of drinking a bunch of cool liquid that's been in the refrigerator for two hours lol. Either way, I find it refreshing and am actually going to wrap this post up here so I can go put a litre of mugicha in the fridge to brew. Tanabata wishes, trdaisuke [1] gopher:// [2]

How can I be more like bakarina?

How can I be more like bakarina?

Katarina Claes of 乙女ゲームの破滅フラグしかない悪役令嬢に転生してしまった… (called My Next Life as a Villainess: All Routes Lead to Doom! in the West) is probably my favorite anime character recently. (I need to read the novels.) If you haven't done so already, do yourself a huge favor and go watch it on Crunchyroll.

Must become more like bakarina...

Revision to My Backloggery Rules – Throwing in the Towel – blog.trdaisuke

I forgot to link my latest post on the blog here. Mostly meta backlog update