I'm a 30-something student affairs professional, technology enthusiast, and all-around geek. trdaisuke@trdaisuke.com







YouTube - Sailor Moon theme song ( Metal Version)

1 min read

#bishoujo #SailorVenus #anime

My Minako Adorée

2 min read

So on Facebook last weekend, the meme was to post a picture from a childhood cartoon as your profile picture. My picture was my favorite, Sailor Venus, from Bishoujo Senshi: Sailor Moon.

It struck me how little I had thought about what had once been a major obsession. The show, the characters, and the fan community were such a huge part of my life in high school. I started watching Sailor Moon just as I was starting to learn more about the internet.
I was part of a super-nerdy online forum through ASMR (A Sailor Moon Romance), which was where I first developed an online presence. It was an RPG forum/messaging board, and I got way too involved. (You can see the super-nerdy details here.)
My first relationship was somewhat founded upon Sailor Moon - my first girlfriend was a pretty big fan too. We used to tease each other about being Moonies.
I dated another girl who (arguably) shared much in common with my Minako adorée.
I own all the seasons of Sailor Moon in Japanese on DVD. Only two of the seasons are 100% legitimate. I have seen all the episodes, including the fifth season, which was never released in the States.

Maybe it's pathetic, but I feel like I have recaptured a small piece of my youth. God bless Sailor Venus.

Ah, nostalgia...

#thedoctor #bishoujo #history #SailorVenus #anime