I'm a 30-something student affairs professional, technology enthusiast, and all-around geek. trdaisuke@trdaisuke.com







I've been putting off going to the grocery store for a few days but now I'm out of beer 🍻

well, it didn't like the bookmark, let's try a status update

Well, I've managed to purge spam comments through at least May 2017... including one post with 126 spam comments. I'm tired for now though, time to call it a day

Many apologies for the total radio silence followed by a flurry of posts here on Known, but I just upgraded from like .9.2 to 1.2.2 and want to make sure things work... I've already found a number of things I need to fix...

Next Friday will not be your lucky day. As a matter of fact, you don't have a lucky day this year.

This life is yours. Some of it was given to you; the rest, you made yourself.

Today's fortune: You will hear good news from one you thought unfriendly to you.

All the YouTube TV bugs I was encountering in Chrome are magically solved by switching to Firefox.

I don't even

There is no greater luck or good fortune as to be reborn with every heartbeat.

You're currently going through a difficult transition period called "Life."